
Professor Sternburg asked what distinguished people who were thriving from ___ that were not.

应该填 those


noun [countable]

  • Keep kitchen surfaces clean and tidy.

you must have asked us first!!!

must 改为should

should have 本应该做 却没有做


Firstly, remove the banana peel and wash banana pulp in clean water.

Secondly, slice the banana into thin slices and make sure they are all fairly much the same slice width.

Thirdly, arrange the slices across the baking sheet in a single layer and drizzle some water over the top of all the banana slices.

Fourthly, place the sheet in the oven and bake these slices.

Fifthly, place baked slices into iced water and then filter out the water.

Sixthly, arrange the banana slices on a sheet and let them dry to remove moisture.

Seventhly, sprinkle seasoning on dried banana slices.

Finally, pack them all and sell them all over the world.

可以这样写序号: Firstly, secondly, thirdly….

直接使用祈使句, 动词使用原型.


主题: 讨论科技发展的影响, 现代人是否不如过去那么努力了.

第一段: 点出科技发展引发争议

Over the past century or so, major advancement in technology have fundamentally change the way people live. In traditional wisdom, these changes have made life easier and more rewarding, but there are many people who mourn the passing of simpler times and acclaim that people do not work as hard today as they did in the past.

提出自己的观点, 科技发展反而使人们更加忙, 工作更加努力了.

As far as I am concerned, the situation is exactly the opposite. There is little doubt that technology has made our lives busier.

论证观点, 指出收集和电子邮件让人难以逃离工作, 哪怕度假也要处理工作事项.

With mobile phones and email, it is harder than ever to truly escape the workplace, and many now have to deal with work whilst holiday.

但同时新科技也让工作变得更加容易, 省时, 让人们能真正做到日理万机.

While new technology undoubtedly makes many tasks easier and saves time, it also facilitates a more intensive lifestyle where people expect to achieve much more. It is now possible to chat with dozens of friends on social networks while keeping an eye on stock prices, sending work emails, and flying from one side of the world to the other. Many feel obliged to live in this way, and thus it isn’t surprising they work harder than ever before.

重申自己的观点, 总结

In conclusion, technology has made life more intense and people work even harder than they did before. It has made life more stimulating and rewarding.